Xiaomi unveils new Black Shark accessories: 30W PSU, detachable triggers and cables for iPhone and Android

Xiaomi unveils new Black Shark accessories: 30W PSU, detachable triggers and cables for iPhone and Android

 Xiaomi has announced new accessories for those who like to play mobile games under the Black Shark brand.

Black Shark Dual-Port 30W Charger

The first novelty was a power supply with USB-A and USB-C ports, as well as a folding plug. The device supports a maximum output power of 30W and costs $ 12.

Xiaomi unveils new Black Shark accessories: 30W PSU, detachable triggers and cables for iPhone and Android

Black Shark Split Mobile Gaming Shoulder Triggers

The next accessory is removable triggers. They are attached to the mobile phone from either side. Each trigger has several buttons. The novelty costs only $ 6.

Xiaomi unveils new Black Shark accessories: 30W PSU, detachable triggers and cables for iPhone and Android

Black Shark Type-C Data Cable

It's a $ 9 USB-C cable with an L-shaped outlet. Thanks to this solution, it is convenient to play on the device while charging.

Black Shark Lightning Data Cable and Lightning Fast Charging Data Cable

Finally, Xiaomi released two more Lightning cables for the iPhone. The first is a regular one for $ 9, and the second with fast charging support for $ 10.5.

Xiaomi unveils new Black Shark accessories: 30W PSU, detachable triggers and cables for iPhone and Android

All  accessories  will start selling in China on January 1st.

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