Russian scientists have found a way to identify encephalitis at home

Russian scientists at ITMO University have found a way to detect encephalitis at home. For this, a mini-platform was developed that can identify a dangerous virus in a short period of time.

The platform's mechanism of operation is based on electrochemical analysis and the multilayer perceptron machine learning method based on the study of neural networks. To get the result, you need to position the tick sample on the sensor. Subsequently, the input data will be analyzed by a special electronic device potentiostat equipped with software. And you can connect a smartphone to it and find out the result with it.

"Our development will allow to quickly and accurately detect the tick-borne encephalitis virus even at home, " said the author of the study, a master's student at the Scientific Research Center of Infochemistry at ITMO University Artemy Ivanov.

It is assumed that this method in the future may be useful for detecting a wide range of pathogenic organisms and viruses, including the coronaviru

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